One of the best definition of GOD, that i have ever read.. n exactly the thing i believe on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During his whole life, the Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis ( Zorba, The Last Temptation of Christ ) was an absolutely coherent man. Although he touched on religious themes in many of his books – such as an excellent biography of Saint Francis of Assisi – he always considered himself a confirmed atheist. Well, this confirmed atheist wrote one of the most beautiful definitions of God that I have ever come across: “We gaze with perplexity at the highest part of the spiral of force that governs the Universe. “And we call it God. “We could give it any other name: Abyss, Mystery, Absolute Darkness, Total Light, Matter, Spirit, Supreme Hope, Supreme Despair, Silence. “But we call it God, because only this name – for some mysterious reason – is capable of making o...