Ode to 2015

This year has been different, clearly very different than the other years. It has not been an easy one though, but clearly one of those on which one can look back, reflect oneself and smile back to life. Among many things canvas , hope , love and growth are key words for 2015. But, the most important one is dreams , those colorful dreams that I have been missing for a while. Dare to dream, dare to act - bring it on 2016!! Wish you all a great year ahead.. I remind myself, what is gone Will remain as a memorial for us to see And I stand, I pray, I salute and I sing An ode to the year that just passed by! PS: the painting is ode to the year, depicting dreams- colorful ones :), highly inspired by M atisse and Picasso´s work on cubism, and oh how i enjoy drawing shapes :)