Forever Young!!

I just celebrated my 26th Birthday [a wonderful one, I thank all my friends for the surprises, company and good wishes]. God!!! I have already lived a quarter of years, nearly half of  my life [average life of Nepalese is 67 as per some statistics by UNICEF], 4 yrs older than Mesut Oezil, the phenomenal player who helped Germany kick the ass of England in a recent World Cup encounter. Facts and figures really say I am getting older. Do I need to fuss over it? Actually I am not fussing over it, neither do I have any sad feeling that I am getting older. Some words from a popular number -something I really believe:

Coz there's no tomorrow just a picture perfect day
That last a whole lifetime and it never ends
Coz all we have to do is hit rewind
So let's just stay in the moment smoke some weed drink some wine
Reminisce talk some shit forever young is in your mind
Leave a mark they can't erase, neither space nor time
So when the director yells cut,
I'll be fine I'm forever young

Sometimes, I look back at my life –a real roller coaster ride. Different stages of life, some of the parts totally totally different from each others. Sometimes it seems to me I have lived multiple characters in my ONE life –something that makes me feel happy as I look back. One thing that, really make me feel that I am getting older, let me make it sound better –at least added some more digits to my age – is the change in things in life that make you feel happy. No doubt, at least for me meaning of happiness has changed a lot through the years, often defined by the different parameters of LIFE.

After seeing so many colors of LIFE, I feel blessed. I have lived my best days of life, so there is no point for me to regret. Now I might have just had the feeling of getting old, but someday I am sure I will be really old and I might as well accept it, my youth will have fled away never to return. Still I am sure I will be very content with that at the moment. With me I will have stories to tell, knowledge to share, moments to remember [to both smile and cry] and above all FRIENDS to turn back to the oldies.

Life is not always bed of roses or only a bush of throne. Its like SEASONS repeating itself though not with exact sequence of occurrences, say like randomly generated seasons defined by the supreme power that governs all form of LIFE. So, the best way to live life is to live as it comes and accept whatever comes by – anyway LIFE gotta go on!!!!. The best way to live it is to follow the way you want. Be satisfied with what comes and content with what you get – one can find ultimate happiness in SATSFACTION. Live your life as if you are going to die the next day, coz the next day when you look back you will have lived one more important day which will either bring smile or tears on your face – both of them are WORT it, coz deep inside you will feel at least you have done your best.

On celebrating my 26th I had told a friend of mine, god seems I am really getting older and she said ‘Comn’ we are like wine, older we become –better we will be’. I couldn't agree less, coz I know I am more content now with lots of memories, bit of knowledge :P and a handful of forever friends. I am sorry to myself coz I got the feeling that I am getting older but to all my friends I dedicate this song [Forever Young] by Rod Stewart
May the good Lord be with you 
Down every road you roam 
And may sunshine and happiness 
surround you when you're far from home 
And may you grow to be proud 
Dignified and true 
And do unto others 
As you'd have done to you 
Be courageous and be brave 
And in my heart you'll always stay 
Forever Young, Forever Young 
Forever Young, Forever Young 



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