Expressing imPERFECTION!

Someone once told me "You are not perfect". I was not bothered coz i was called imperfect (i never tried to be one..nor do i actually believe on being perfect)...but I was bothered to know that people are looking for perfection. I think perfection doesn't exist... or more correctly perfection is not absolute... it depends on the way we perceive or how we want to see things.
In this series of painting that i have completed, everyone will notice that it has no themes. The paintings have touched different themes, different emotions and of course different feelings that i have felt. But one thing - they are not perfect. With some observation it will be easy for everyone to notice a lots of faults in them -technical, artistic, balance, focus.... yeah i meant my paintings are imperfect... they have turned out that way either knowingly or unknowingly..... but in the end i find them beautiful. With the little faults here and there... i see spaces in them for me to learn and grow...feelings to flutter and mystries to be solved...guesses to be made and unspoken to be understood....that's why i say imperfectionism is the way of life... its beautiful and gives wider space in life to live more. I will share here my paintings for the series imperfection.

Now I see fire, inside the mountain

I see fire, burning the trees
And I see fire, hollowing souls
I see fire, blood in the breeze
And I hope that you'll remember me
-Ed Sheeran

Ode to Joy

Joy, thou beauteous godly lighting,

Daughter of Elysium,
Fire drunken we are ent'ring
Heavenly, thy holy home!
-Friedrich Schiller

 ...the colour of my soreness
...the colour of my tranquilizer
...the colour of my isolation
But when life changes the colour again,
Dare to come and embrace me
Because my soul will have found
An interesting locus of love sincere!!
The Big Bang

Just come out of things unsaid
Break the ice frozen in the head
Release the trouble that can't be named
And unseen pain waiting to be tamed
Then when u break through
…there goes the big bang!

Storm in my head

A storm passed in my head
And blood flushed in the veins
Breaking all my bones and burns my brain
And delivers me to this place.
..Alas i see the sun rays!!


It's okay to not be okay
I know that sounds off,
…but it's true.
Coz in between the serenity
There is something dark - a part.
That we don't know what to do with.
Fractured Dreams

I have been loosing dreams
Those- colourful ones
But now,
I only see black and white!

Flowerson the waves

Life bounded by lines of fate,
Boldly etched on every head and soul;
How I wish it was bit different,
And I could then follow the clueless lead
Carefree,  unbounded, unrestricted
-like the flowers on the waves!


Cover mine eyes, O my Love! 
Mine eyes that are weary of bliss 
As of light that is poignant and strong 
O silence my lips with a kiss,
-Sarojini Naidu

So, these are the paintings of my first series "imPerfection". I have been overwhelmed by the reactions that i have received so far. Lets celebrate imperfection together. And in the end a good quote:
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

― Marilyn Monroe


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