
Showing posts from July, 2013


Just finished reading Inferno by Dan Brown. I always had love and hate relationship with Dan Brown (at least in regard with his last three books). He is a great write, a great story teller and knows exactly how to keep the flow going - I love him as a story teller. But he uses the most important artifacts from the history, or much more sensitive issues to create a commercial thriller - I hate him for that (Its my personal belief that they should be given much more respect and treated in much deeper philosophical way for the use of mankind, rather than for making money). Regarding Inferno- a regular Dan Brown story with lots of exciting twists and turns. I loved it as i read it... but moreover it made me read more than the novel... the original texts from "Divine Comedy" by Dante. For that i am very thankful that i read Inferno, coz at one point i got a nice story reading experience, while at the other hand found myself digging into the depth of Dante's work. And i also ...

A Mask

I saw a mask- death mask Dark, dead, cold yet falsely serene Overflown with egoism. Seeking for ones ways Like lice or leeches Or something in need of a host, It needed to feed And I had to look away But I was in trap, I couldn't walk away So, all I had was to face the pain And cry for help, Again saw the same death mask Said me- poor man, I can just pray - and winked. Such an innocuous change, The one that started the chain. Who would have thought it would cause all this pain? And after all of this you lousy churl, It still wasn't enough. Coz he doesn't care- hidden face knows his way. I cried and cried and went numb All I remember or hallucination A hidden face behind the mask And an exchange of laughter -so plastic Just as if A water bottle could sing.

Am i mad?

If it makes you right I can be admitted to a bed Tranquilized with syringes and shocks, But, I repeat again, I am not mad. I hear the inner words, And dive deep into the feelings, Often loose myself in love and passion, And see myself smiling, at my petty thoughts. The things your world doesn't care - let it be I am mad! I get hurt and weep with myself And cry for help in my pain Which your ears can't hear - let it be I am mad! May be you understand your world better Mine is different And I am immersed in mine, But it doesn't need to be I am wrong. In my world I feel more, This sometimes erupts lots of sadness But, when there is love -it overflows Enough to submerge everyone in happiness. And for both I am tagged mad. My world often misses the mighty head But, values the softness of heart Leading me to make mistakes again and again. But, if you were to understand my madness I think you would see nirvana, In the lov...