
Just finished reading Inferno by Dan Brown. I always had love and hate relationship with Dan Brown (at least in regard with his last three books). He is a great write, a great story teller and knows exactly how to keep the flow going - I love him as a story teller. But he uses the most important artifacts from the history, or much more sensitive issues to create a commercial thriller - I hate him for that (Its my personal belief that they should be given much more respect and treated in much deeper philosophical way for the use of mankind, rather than for making money).
Regarding Inferno- a regular Dan Brown story with lots of exciting twists and turns. I loved it as i read it... but moreover it made me read more than the novel... the original texts from "Divine Comedy" by Dante. For that i am very thankful that i read Inferno, coz at one point i got a nice story reading experience, while at the other hand found myself digging into the depth of Dante's work. And i also missed not having known Italian - and am still wondering how beautiful it would be to read the original book by Dante.

I always believed in Karma and in a very simple way - do good, good things will happen to you; do bad, bad things will happen to you. Sometimes its not easy for one to find answer why bad things are happening to you ( I am pointing only bad, coz i wonder if there is anyone who ever asks why good thing is happening to himself/herself :D), because Karma is a bitch and is not so easy to be understood. But all i can say be is be good (I guess its easy to say, than to do coz i might not have done good all the time. I think i need to make the list of bad things i have done in this life and try to solve them [on writing this, it reminds me of 'My Name is Earl' a very good comedy series, recommended]).
But after reading Inferno, its making me think of heaven and hell. But, i don't believe that one has to die to see heaven or hell. This same life gives us heaven and hell. Often we have to fight a lot to get out of the hell and make the life fine again - just like crossing the nine circles of hell as described by Dante and interpreted by many great artist. After all, one has to pay for all wrong things one has done. And when i write this, i think i am conflicting with my own belief- because i don't believe in anything being right or wrong - its all bout one's perceptions and context. But at least a simple rule applies, no deeds is wrong or right as long as your deeds are not hurting other people.

For the people, who are Dan Brown fan, Inferno is a great read. For those who are already reading, happy reading. And for those who don't like Dan Brown, i suggest try to find and read the work of Dante, definitely a great work worth spending all your head and heart into it. I leave with some great lines from "Inferno - by Dante". Happy reading!!

“...those cries rose from among the twisted roots
through which the spirits of the damned were slinking
to hide from us. Therefore my Master said:
'If you break off a twig, what you will learn
will drive what you are thinking from your head.'

Puzzled, I raised my hand a bit and slowly
broke off a branchlet from an enormous thorn:
and the great trunk of it cried: 'Why do you break me?'

And after blood had darkened all the bowl
of the wound, it cried again: 'Why do you tear me?
Is there no pity left in any soul?

Men we were, and now we are changed to sticks;
well might your hand have been more merciful
were we no more than souls of lice and ticks.'

As a green branch with one end all aflame
will hiss and sputter sap out of the other
as the air escapes- so from that trunk there came

words and blood together, gout by gout.
Startled, I dropped the branch that I was holding
and stood transfixed by fear,...”
Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Andiamo via dell'inferno!
Viva la Dante!!


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