A Mask

I saw a mask- death mask
Dark, dead, cold yet falsely serene
Overflown with egoism.
Seeking for ones ways
Like lice or leeches
Or something in need of a host,
It needed to feed
And I had to look away
But I was in trap, I couldn't walk away
So, all I had was to face the pain
And cry for help,
Again saw the same death mask
Said me- poor man,
I can just pray - and winked.
Such an innocuous change,
The one that started the chain.
Who would have thought it would cause all this pain?
And after all of this you lousy churl,
It still wasn't enough.
Coz he doesn't care- hidden face knows his way.
I cried and cried and went numb
All I remember or hallucination
A hidden face behind the mask
And an exchange of laughter -so plastic
Just as if
A water bottle could sing.


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